Unitarian Controversy redux

Today marks the 122nd meeting of the oldest annual rivalry in college football, known simply as "The Game", between Unitarian Harvard and Congregationalist Yale. Yale leads Harvard 63-49-9 in the series, but Harvard has won the last four.
Watch it on TV in most major media markets. Check your local listings for stations and times.
(Click on the titles of the fight songs below to listen. Or, alternatively, if you happen to be one who suffers from that characteristic Unitarian arrogance known inside the Beltway and on Wall Street as the "Harvard attitude", you can find life-changing relief here.)
Ten Thousand Men of Harvard
A. Putnam, H '18
Illegitimum non carborundum;
Domine salvum fac.
Illegitimum non Carborundum;
Domine salvum fac.
Gaudeamus igitur!
Veritas non sequitur?
Illegitimum non carborundum -- ipso facto!
Ten thousand men of Harvard want vict'ry today,
For they know that o'er old Eli
Fair Harvard holds sway.
So then we'll conquer old Eli's men,
And when the game ends, we'll sing again:
Ten thousand men of Harvard gained vict'ry today!
Down the Field
C.W. O'Conner, Y '04 Law, and Stanleigh P. Friedman, Y '05
March, march on down the field, fighting for Eli,
Break through the crimson line, their strength to defy;
We'll give a long cheer for Eli's men,
We're here to win again.
Harvard's team may fight to the end, but Yale will win.
R. G. Williams, H '11, and S. B. Steel, H '11
With Crimson in triumph flashing
Mid the strains of victory,
Poor Eli’s hopes we are dashing
Into blue obscurity.
Resistless our team sweeps goalward
With the fury of the blast;
We’ll fight for the name of Harvard
‘Til the last white line is passed.
Bingo, That's the Lingo
Cole Porter, Y '13
Bingo, Bingo,
Bingo, Bingo, Bingo,
That's the lingo,
Eli is bound to win.
There's to be a victory,
So watch the team begin!
B-B-B-Bingo, Bingo, Harvard's team cannot prevail,
Fight! Fight! Fight with all your might for Bingo, Bingo,
Eli Yale!
Incidentally, Harvard beat Yale 30-24 in triple overtime. One for the history books.
I must not be smart enough to even THINK about Harvard and Yale, because that whole "WE SUCK" prank just confused me.
Glad the Crimson won, though.
(My Harvard degree is in Latin. I can't even read it. When people ask what it is I say it's a piece of paper I pay $250 a month to keep on my wall)
You left out Tom Lehrer's Fight Fiercely Harvard!
You left out Tom Lehrer's Fight Fiercely Harvard!
Oh, very well. I was trying not to mock Harvard too overtly, but I suppose it does demonstrate two enduring truths about the place:
1. The revisionist urge in Cambridge survived well past the 19th century and reached "fields" other than religion.
2. Yale has Cole Porter. (See "Bingo, That's the Lingo", above.) Harvard has, well, um, can you say "fey"? (At least some of them are willing to mock themselves for it.)
Fight Fiercely, Harvard
Tom Lehrer, H '47
Fight fiercely, Harvard, fight, fight, fight!
Demonstrate to them our skill.
Albeit they possess the might,
Nonetheless we have the will.
How we will celebrate our victory,
We shall invite the whole team up for tea. (how jolly!)
Hurl that spheroid down the field, and fight, fight, fight!
Fight fiercely, Harvard, fight, fight, fight!
Impress them with our prowess, do!
Oh, fellows, do not let the crimson down,
Be of stout heart and true.
Come on, chaps, fight for Harvard's glorious name,
Won't it be peachy if we win the game. (Oh, goody!)
Let's try not to injure them, but fight, fight, fight!
(Let's not be rough, though!) Fight, fight, fight!
(And do fight fiercely!) Fight, fight, fight!
that whole "WE SUCK" prank just confused me. ... My Harvard degree is in Latin. I can't even read it.
Ahem, yes, well. As they say, res ipsa loquitur.
Here's an easier-to-follow account of the prank, in English.
Here's an online Latin-English dictionary.
(My degree is written in Latin too, BTW. It's dated according to the Julian rather than the Gregorian calendar, and it's signed by Bart Giamatti.)
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