Monday, October 30, 2006


In recent months I've been wondering why people seemed to have stopped posting responses here. Well, in poking around the Blogger dashboard, I discovered a cache of dozens of comments dating back to June that were never "published" by Blogger because I had not yet moderated them! I didn't realize that, and don't know how, the moderation feature got turned on, but to all of my blogospherical friends who must have thought I was rudely blocking their thoughtful replies, deepest apologies! Your comments are now, belatedly, up.

For anyone who's curious, scroll back through the past few months and see what others had to say. There are a few great conversations back in there that died a-bornin' that we may yet be able to revive.


At October 30, 2006 at 7:50:00 PM EST, Blogger Chalicechick said...

And I thought you just didn't like me....


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